About JS&D Consultant

About Us

Welcome to JS&D Consultants, where we identify opportunities to redefine professional growth and organizational excellence through our specialized training, consultancy, and research services.

“We are providing our services Since 2015 and keep standing as a trusted partner for your success with progressive talent development and sustainable innovations to groom you and your business”.

Empowering Growth and Excellence

JS&D Consultants is a team of consultants who are committed to providing people and organizations with the tools that are needed to get the best out of themselves and the organization. We’re proud to offer a talent development approach that is progressive and sustainable, thus, being a reliable partner for our clients’ success. Reach us today to begin your voyage of success and improvement!


"To transform the lives of people by enhancing their beliefs in themselves through skills development programs, life-changing sessions, and advisory services."


Nationwide competent existence and inspire the lives of countless peoples



honesty, transparency, share what we have and expertise


belief knowledge, hidden talent, and belief that we can do it


ethical, listen, care, communicate, and understand individual differences


Acceptance Open minded, change, fear, and failure


value for money, offering more through knowledge and innovation


trust yourself, be efficient, empower yourself, be yourself and career growth



Our training services cover a full range of management programs from humon resource management to strategic management. We also provide customized  training programs and have a wide range of training modules that the clients can choose from depending on their needs.


Research is the basis of all the operations that our consultancy JS&D carries out. We undertake thorough problem-solving and research to unearth emerging trends and chances both in various industries. Our research services are designed to give a competitive.


JS&O Consultants is an expert consultancy firm giving professional advice and solutions to the strategic challenges that the corporate world is facing in today’s modern era, The team of qualified advisers provides the management with expert ideas and possible solutions for increasing the company’s effectiveness and competitiveness.

Our Services for Universities & Students

Career Development

JS&D Consultants is a career development partner for students. We offer a wide range of career-based training, motivational seminars, and skills development workshops for all walks of students. Through these programs, we help students find their way to their career paths.

Professional Development

We are aware that learning and development require full-time part. Through our professional development programs, students are imparted with the requisite skill sets, competencies, and knowledge that make them successful and competitive in the corporate world.

Educational Workshops

We are running captivating engaging educational workshops that aid students and broaden their knowledge. The educational programs we provide include seminars, where the participants are actively involved, and workshops, where the participants are hands-on learning. 

Help Heroes

Help Heroes is a strategic training program that is designed to develop university heroes on competencies that help them to get attractive jobs, remain competitive, and empower them to succeed academically, personally, and professionally. 

Our Services for Organizations

Professional Development

JS&D Consultants is a company that designs corporate development programs that are aligned with the organization’s development needs. From executive coaching to team-building exercises, our main focus is to offer the possibilities of talent development in the organizations, which in turn leads to business success.

Career Development

The career development services that we offer are aimed to help organizations establish a culture that promotes growth and career advancement. We allow employees to choose their path by offering them workshops and seminars that help them achieve their career goals.

HR Consulting

We offer our HR consulting services to businesses so that they can use our professional skills as well as the tools they need to enhance their HR procedures. From recruiting strategies to performance administration, we provide complete human resources solutions.

Strategic Training

We offer solutions for strategic training that enable companies to link their training activities with their corporate strategic missions. We work hand in hand with them to build training schemes that achieve goals and ensure profitable outcomes

Mentorship Programs

JS&D Consultants is involved in the design of mentoring programs that help to nurture professional growth and leadership among workers in organizations. Our mentorship campaigns are based on creating pairs of mentors with mentees whose purpose is to provide assistance and help.

Our Services for Organizations

January 2023


JS&D Consultants was founded in Faisalabad by Dr. Muhammad Sarfraz.

In Faisalabad, Pakistan, JS&D Consultants began in a small office, with a single table, one rotating chair, a unique dual writing board stand, an infinite number of contacts and a CEO with dreams in his mind. However, the door’s name says it all: Consultants JS&D ” Nationwide competent existence and inspire the lives of countless peoples.” Every person’s life can be transformed ” Every person’s life can be transformed, according to JS&D’s compelling vision.

From our earliest days, JS&D Consultants had a strong belief to transform what was possible.

January – April 2023

Learn First/finding gaps

In January to April of 2023, JS&D Consultants’ objective was to identify existing skill deficiencies of university students and young professionals. They identified several gaps in the skills that are as follows communication, critical thinking, and technical skills. In order to support these findings, they contacted the corporate sector, different agencies and employees of the multinational companies. This feedback proved their statement true and further pointed at the gap between the educational systems and the real business world. This journey especially helped in confirming that there is need to minimize the gap that is between education and the reality.

May – August 2023

Meet up

Ever since May up to August, JS&D Consultants was also reachable at the job fairs so as to talk directly with the employers and potential employees. During these meet-ups, they agreed the deficits in skills found among university students when they had first set the literacy map. Interviews with the recruiters, the managers of the HR departments, as well as other professionals in the field added further shade to the most fundamental problems. This has clearly established a need for specific skills training which enables JS&D to better match their programs to the existing market expectations as well as to equip students and professionals with proper tools to succeed.

September-December 2023

Designing Programs

Under the strategic plan between September and December, JS&D Consultants dedicated their efforts to develop new programs that would cover those skills. They provided realistic models of training for the students and working professionals planning a career and putting focus on essential areas of learning such as interpersonal skills, analytical skills, and technology skills. These programs were therefore developed to fit both the academic institutions to provide participants with practical experiences that are relevant in academic institutions as well as corporate organizations. JS&D’s work was oriented to equip people with knowledge to enable them to fit in modern day employment sector.

January-April, 2024

Help Hero’s Delivering Excellence

From January to April 2024, JS&D Consultants launched the “Help Heroes: The second survey is conducted as a part of the “Delivering Excellence” scheme with the help of the Likert scale for university students. This comprised of the concern mentioned above concerning skills dearth, through offering concrete skills based training sessions in skills like communication, problem solving, and critical thinking. One of the teaching methods used in the program provided practical activities such as role play and other forms of assignments to impart competencies on the students to culminate definite challenges in their day to day activities. From the words that have been said, it can be understood that one of the focuses of JS&D, the creation of future human capital, was useful for the latter’s growth as they gained confidence and skills in a particular field.

May-August   2024

JS&D Institute Establishment

Between May and August, JS&D Institute was created to improve specialized upskilling, cross-skilling, and reskilling of professionals. Our programs are aimed at the acquisition of new knowledge, the extension of our clients’ knowledge, and the training of professionals adapted to the current requirements of the market. Through informative training and development seminars, practical workshops and actual one-on-one consultations, we supply professionals with potent information and professional skills that are critically valuable to help the professional continue to advance, gain competitive advantage in today’s job market and achieve career growth and success in today’s world. This is the reason why at JS&D we dedicate ourselves to delivering solutions that unlock potential and bring success.


September-December 2024

First Step

In the fourth quarter of JS&D Consultants’ financial year, it made its first move towards branch out by taking a new office in Islamabad. With this new premise, we will be in a position to offer improve services to our clients in the capital city and the read area by reaching out to them via our consultancy and training services. With this expansion, we seek to expand our mission of enabling individuals and organisations to unleash their full potential, spur development and enhance professionalism across Pakistan.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The JS&D Consultants is a company that was established in 2015 and it is currently at the forefront of the talent development of progressive initiatives and sustainable innovations.

JS&D Consultants provides a set of training programs that encompass technical sessions, leadership training, and skills enhancement courses.

The Universities, and degree awarding institutes can also be the beneficiaries of JS&D Consultants’ educational workshops, career development programs, and research services that are aimed at the students and faculty.

Yes, certainly, JS&D Consultants provide training programs where there are availed customized solutions to cater to the peculiar needs and difficulties of businesses in different industries.

JS&D Consultants’ dedication to excellence, innovative approach, and client-centered service that goes beyond the one-size-fits-all approach helps it stand out from the crowd.

For more details, you may call the JS&D Consultants at +923457855752 or come to our office located at P-274, St#125, Block D, Citi Housing, Sargodha Road, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

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