Appraising Intrinsic Value | A Workshop by JS&D Consultants at COMSATS University IslamabadAppraising Intrinsic Value


Appraising Intrinsic Value | A Workshop by JS&D Consultants at COMSATS University IslamabadAppraising Intrinsic Value


JS&D Consultants recently held a workshop at COMSATS University Islamabad that targeted the management and administration staff. The workshop focused on the concept of intrinsic value, a critical yet often overlooked aspect of organizational success. The session aimed to provide participants with a clear understanding of what intrinsic value is, why it’s important, and how to effectively appraise it within their organization.

Understanding Intrinsic Value

Intrinsic value refers to the inherent worth of an asset, individual, or process, independent of external factors such as market conditions or financial performance. In the context of an organization, intrinsic value might include employee skills, organizational culture, or internal processes that contribute to long-term success. The workshop began by explaining this concept, emphasizing its importance in making informed decisions that benefit the organization over time.

The Necessity of Appraising Intrinsic Value

The workshop highlighted why appraising intrinsic value is essential. Recognizing and nurturing intrinsic value helps organizations identify and build on their strengths. It also ensures that resources are allocated effectively, leading to better outcomes and sustainable growth. Participants learned that by understanding intrinsic value, they could better align their strategies with the organization’s core values and long-term goals.

Tools and Techniques for Appraisal

JS&D Consultants introduced various tools and techniques for appraising intrinsic value. These included qualitative assessments, employee feedback mechanisms, and performance metrics that go beyond financial indicators. By using these tools, management and administration staff can gain a more comprehensive view of what drives their organization’s success from within.

Benefits of Appraising Intrinsic Value

Organizations that effectively appraise intrinsic value can achieve a range of benefits, including improved employee satisfaction, stronger organizational culture, and enhanced decision-making processes. The workshop emphasized that when intrinsic value is recognized and nurtured, it leads to a more resilient and adaptive organization.

Responsibility for Appraising Intrinsic Value

The responsibility of appraising intrinsic value doesn’t fall on a single individual or department. Instead, it is a collective effort that involves leadership, management, and staff working together. The workshop encouraged participants to take ownership of this process within their respective roles.

Value Added by JS&D Consultants

JS&D Consultants brought significant value to the workshop by providing practical insights and tailored advice. Their expertise helped participants understand how to effectively appraise intrinsic value and apply these concepts within their organization.


The workshop at COMSATS University Islamabad was a successful and enlightening experience for the management and administration staff. By understanding and appraising intrinsic value, participants are now better equipped to contribute to the long-term success of their organization.

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