
Become An Interview Expert

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People are the capital of an organization and hiring the right person for the right job is the fundamental key for success of any organization. Right peoples are carefully chosen within 10 – 15 minutes’ time frame through structured interview process. The success of any interview relies on the effective interviewing techniques and these techniques have become one of the most important demanding skills for any manager.

The training program “Become a Master Interviewer” is designed to empower managers with the essentials interviewing skills. Participants will be equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, tools, techniques and strategies to conduct any job interviews that will enable them to ask best interview questions, hire best peoples, and minimize biases to place the best talent for the respective roles in the organization.


The course aims to offer participants a chance to learn and understand about:

  • Cost and impact of a bad hiring (due to poor interviewing skills)
  • Structure and process of an effective interviews
  • Color brain communication card
  • Art to ask better question



            What you will learn

1.       Significance of Interviewing Skills

  • Why interviewing skills are essentials for you
  • Objective of interviews
  • Bad hiring cost
  • Good hiring benefits
  • Impact of a bad hiring

2.       Preparing for the Interview

  • Interview scheduling
  • Review of job description, key competencies and skills demanded
  • Review the resume for gaps, career changes
  • Understanding interview worksheet
  • Review of interview folder

3.       Interview Types

  • Understanding the most common interview types

4.       Interview Questions

  • Behavioural interview questions
  • Situation interview questions
  • Job related interview question
  • Top 50 toughest question
  • Interview question by category

5.       Interviewer Errors

  • Common interview errors
  • Interviewer bias

6.       Conducting the Interview

  • Ensuring conducive environment
  • Time management
  • Welcoming candidate
  • Building rapport and managing nervous candidates
  • Ask the first question
  • Follow 80/20 Rule
  • Active listening
  • Ask open-ended question
  • Clarifying questions
  • Evaluating applicants based on potential, performance and cultural fit
  • Take notes and rating candidates

7.       Advanced Interview Probing Technique

  • Color Brain Communication Cards (a psychometric profiling tool)

8.       Legalities of Interviewing

  • Avoiding illegal questions
  • What not to ask

9.       Post-Interview

  • Interviewing the interviewer
  • Allow interviewee to ask
  • Practice common questions

10.   Mock Interviews

  • Mock interview sessions
  • Share feedback for improvement
  • Action plans for improving interviewing skills


Who this course is for:

  • Human resource professional and practitioner, hiring managers, Interviewers and career-minded individuals
  • Managers who want to avoid the massive costs of a poor interviewing decision.
  • Anyone interested in learning and becoming an interviewer expert.


Our Methodology

  • This is an experiential-based program that will consist of presentation, mock interview activities, and direct Q&A. This program combines a foundational body of knowledge with real-world application.

A variety of training tools, storytelling, group discussion, team reflective circle, case studies, and lectures with games and activities will be used to make learning FUN and IMPACTFUL!